Monday, November 10, 2008

Broken Glass

The day is starting out to be a bad one. I woke up early because I slept at 7pm yesterday. I did wake up inbetween but I didn't want to mess up my schedule worst than it will be. So I wake up hungry and started looking for food. Day old pizza sounds good so I put it in a plate and into the microwave. Simple right. Wrong! I take it out and stupidly had a tablecraft oil pourer between me so when I make a right turn back to my room, It skidded down the floor and now broken glass everywhere.

I spent 10 minutes cleaning the oil and searching for sharp glass that might cut my barefoot. Finally done with that, I went to my room where my long gym pants which touch the floor inadvertently caught the hook on my Bormioli Rocco Fido glass storage jar (on the floor) with airtight clamp in what I can only assume to be a odd angle up a very short distance to shatter on the floor with alot more small broken glass. I guess I should be glad it's not a mirror... It's looking like it's going to be another bad day.

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