Friday, September 11, 2009

Officelive basic domain renewal no longer free

I hate that I seem to be in the dark about the change in officelive basic. I was able to snag a domain when officelive offered domain registrations free with their service. I guess with the economic climate as it is; they would cancel the domain renewals which they had already done for new officelive basic customers for over a year? (they have stated at that time they will honor free renewals for older customers). I am just disappointed. I was lucky enough to check on my office live account and saw the clear message about domain renewals no longer free but if I didn't...

Sad thing is I would have known if I use my microsoft email account registered for the domain but since that's not my primary account (I now see they sent the mail out 08/04/2009 but two months doesn't seem like enough time). Since checking today and it giving me a 2 week time period to transfer; I did it on my lunch break. It was quite confusing. The registry key they gave didn't actually do anything at the transfering registar. The registry key is specific to Then there is the odd process where they change the registry key after having to register with their site. You would think; that was the key to use to transfer the domain after unlocking it.

No it was actually the show password section of the domain which reviews an "authinfo" password to use. Alot of multiple steps and I still have to wait for the email to accept transfering the domain. oh well. You can't get much things free nowadays...

Been a very gloomy day especially since it's september 11... everyone seems very solemn.

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